詠春祖訓 Wing Chun Rules of Conduct


Wing Chun Rules of Conduct

1. 守紀律崇尚武德
Remain disciplined and uphold yourself ethically as a martial artist.

2. 明禮義愛國尊親
Practice courtesy and righteousness, love your country, honor your family and respect your parents.

3. 愛同學團結樂群
Love your fellow students, be united and enjoy working together in a harmony.

4. 節色慾保守精神
Control your bodily desires, preserve the sound spirit and stay healthy.

5. 勤練習技不離身
Train diligently and keep practicing, keep your skills throughout your life.

6. 學養氣戒濫鬥爭
Learn to develop your chi (ki), avoid the attitude of arguments and aggression.

7. 當處世態度溫文
Your character in your daily life should be always moderate, kind and gentle in your manners.

8. 扶弱小以武輔仁
Help the weak and the disadvantaged (old and young), use your martial skill to keep the justice.

9. 繼先緒僅持祖訓
Pass on the tradition, preserve and uphold these Rules of Conduct.